Theramore’s Fall Transmog – Theramore Arcanist’s Hat

Theramore’s Fall was implemented this week as in introduction to the Scenarios coming in Mists.  There has been much written on people’s impressions of the instance, more eloquently than I could put it, so I’ll keep my 2 cents short and sweet like the Scenario itself.  While I don’t think the instance is great by any means, I don’t find it horrible.  I was a little disappointed that the objectives for the horde and alliance versions are pretty much the same – kill people on boats, light boats on fire, kill person on wind rider / gryphon, kill tanks, insert different ending here.  I also felt that had I not read any recaps on what happened in the Tides of War book, I probably wouldn’t have had any idea why I was blowing the place up, or cleaning up the aftermath.  Between the speed of the run, and the complete randomness that is purple loot that may or may not in my spoils bag, it really reminds me most of a holiday boss.  My biggest issue with the place is the “transmog” items in the loot tables.  Really…

hat blk
Anyhow, I like to keep things upbeat, so instead of running through the ugly, I will say there are a few gems in the pile.  First up is this lovely white wizard hat!  A nice crisp white, it is a great addition to the wizard hat collection available in game.  I decided to take inspiration from the ring around the top of the hat to base my transmogs on.  I started with the Gossamer Belt:

Head – Theramore Arcanist’s Hat

Shoulder – Elegant Mantle

Chest – Black Ash Robe

Hands – Soulcloth Gloves

Waist – Gossamer Belt


Several of the Gossamer pieces look quite nice with the hat, including the shoulders. Here’s an outfit using the robe, and including my favorite item in game, a star wand!

Head – Theramore Arcanist’s Hat

Shoulders – Summer Song Shoulderwraps

Chest – Gossamer Robe

Gloves – Soulcloth Gloves

Waist – Vestal’s Irrepressible Girdle

Off-hand – Regal Star

hat white
-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – King Krush

Time again for Fly Draenei Friday!  Don’t forget to send in your fly Draenei shots!  Either you, someone you know, or just someone you see around town, send ’em on in.


For this week’s reader submits, we have a double-dose from Vraela of Sen’jin.  First up is her hunter in a very green look.

Shoulders – Gladiator’s Chain Spaulders
Chest, Gloves, Belt, Legs and
Boots – Der’izu Set
Bow – Bristleblitz Striker

I’m a big fan of this pants model, if not strictly for the utility they provided hunters before ammo and feeding your pet were removed 🙂 Vraela said she came up with this outfit after taming King Krush, I bet they look great together!


She also sent in her paladin, Vaeshara. Hmm, something about this outfit I really like 😉

Shoulders – Justice Bearer’s Pauldrons
Back – Groff’s Tarpaulin
Chest, Legs, Feet – Revenant Plate
Hands – Life Bearer’s Gauntlets
Waist – Beech Green Belt
Mace – Northshire Battlemace
Shield – Titansteel Shield Wall

The shield and mace combo is really great here.  Vaeshara said she doesn’t normally show cloaks on Draenei, but really likes the length and coloring of this one.  I concur!

Thanks Vraela/Vaeshara, I really enjoyed seeing your Fly Draenei!


Now some fly Draenei from Proudmoore:

Qandisa‘s rather skimpy outfit is a great take on the thigh-high leggings look, with some pieces I haven’t really seen. Polychromatic Visionwrap with Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Gloves of Arcane Acuity, and Sash of Serpentra. Urnakia has a super unique spin on the Judgement Recolor.  The Gladiator’s Scaled Shoulders and Gloves go really well with the Judgement pieces, and the Rich Purple Silk Shirt underneath ties everything together.

Zevori chose to accentuate her Rift Stalker Armor with Sundered Chestpiece and Belt. Adding the Gilnean Adventurer’s Shirt really makes this a great look. Anathe has a pretty wild mash-up outfit going on. Blood-Stained Pauldrons, Bloodfist Breastplate and Gloves, Lawbringer Belt, and Warlord’s Iron-Legplates.
Mana Kaydis
Quite a super fly scene at the auctioneer in Dalaran!  Mana in the Jade Plate set,
Draynee in her usual set, and Kaydis in the Ten Storms set.
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 1 Comment

Bloodmail Set – Hunter Mog

In the weeks leading up to patch 5.0.4, I had grand intentions of running Scholomance for some of the gear that was possibly being removed with the updates to it, and Scarlet Monestary.  Two pieces I was really interested in were the Bloodmail legs and boots.  It started well, I nabbed the boots on my second run.  By my fourth run, however, I started to loose interest.  I have to admit I was a little burned out on the place after farming for Alanna’s Embrace, and generally from years of running through it.

Unfortunately, the dungeon updates did remove all of the old gear from the loot tables.  Drainee is slightly bummed she will never have the perfect pair of black pants.  It would be awesome if Blizzard introduces more cosmetic gear in the future, as with the old tier pieces you can buy from the Darkmoon Faire.  I’ve decided to post my Bloodmail transmog that was not to be, hopefully some lucky soul with the pants can take inspiration from it 🙂

Bloodmail 2
-- Draynee
Categories: Mail transmog set | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

Mog Update and MoP Preperation

I can’t believe in less than two weeks we’ll all be headed to Vacation Panda Island!  Well, maybe not all of us…  Being able to make Pandaren without having to buy the x-pac is pretty cool on Blizzard’s part.  Anyhow, with such a short time left, I thought I’d post an update on how my characters are wrapping up Cataclysm, and the little things left I want to do.

Draynee is spending her time up at the Argent Tournament these days.  Doing those dailies on a regular basis has been a plague to me since it was introduced.  I’ve never gotten a single pet, and the only mount I managed to save enough for was the Dragonhawk for the Horde.  My goal is to either get the Argent Charger or the Quel’dorei Steed, I haven’t decided which yet.  I need 73 more tokens, so hopefully I can keep jousting everyday!  Otherwise, I’m sure it will be another 2 years before I make it up there again.

Her other goal is to finish farming honor for the Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Gear.  I’m not sure when she’ll wear it, but it is such a cool set.  I’d also really like to get her in a real Dragon Soul (only ever been in LFR), but that probably wont actually happen.

Perhaps a little over the top?

In mog news, nothing much has changed for Draynee.  She did stop by the Tabard Designer in Stormwind and make the guild tabard even pinker than it was before.  It goes great with her new super pink cloak.  Cloaks are a little funny looking on Draenei, but she needed some sort of update, so why not go with more pink?!  I know the outfit is totally obnoxious, and I think it was getting me targetted in PVP.  I’ve had to resort to non-mogged PVP gear for that honor farming!

Drainee can be found hanging around Tol Barad, killing every fox in sight.  91 more tokens and that darn pet will be mine, regardless!  Since she no longer has to mog around a polearm, Drainee decided to switch her look up for the Furious Gladiator’s mog I posted awhile ago.  She likes to have a semi-coordinated pet, and this aqua & purple warp stalker seems to fit the bill ok.  Warp Stalkers used to have an awesome ability where they would teleport to behind a target.  I had a white and blue one for a long time on my first hunter.  I’m not sure when they took it away, but their new ability just isn’t as cool.  Blink Strike is a pretty decent replacement, so I just use it to start combat with mobs and it’s almost like the old days.

OMG!  A Blood Elf!

Earlier today I finished collecting enough Tol Barad tokens for the Spectral Wolf.  He’s no Spectral Steed, but he looks pretty good with Lideyviah’s outfit.  I don’t talk about her much, but she’s my original “main”.  She was my achievement hunter, mount collector and raider.  She’s fallen by the wayside in favor of fly Draenei, but I visit her often and will probably level her in Mists when my Horde-side friends are around.

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
Drayney doesn’t really have much going on, she just wanted to show off… darn mages >_>  The Watcher’s Tunic is such a great piece, maybe her goal can be finding some decent pants to go with it.
My last goal before the 25th is to finish buying the leather heirloom pieces for my new pandaland characters.  A Draenei monk, and an oh-so-adorable Pandaren rogue.  I was really hoping they would have worked out truly account-bound heirlooms before the launch, as I have the whole set on my horde server.  I have one dagger for the rogue, and I don’t think I need very many JP for the chest and shoulders.  I just have to decide if I want to really grind out all the points to buy the agi staff for the monk.  I might see how healing is on the monk, as I do have the leather int heirlooms and staff from a failed attempt to level a druid.
The idea of a Pandaren rogue is kind of funny to me.  She just seems too cute for backstabs and kidney shots.  I tried to level a Worgen rogue, but I couldn’t take the hunched-over running and constant sniffing.  I like playing a rogue, as I have a lvl 85 belf one, so hopefully the stabby fun won’t be too weird on such a darling creature.
-- Draynee
Categories: Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Fly Draenei at the Mogolympics

The Transmogolympics may have ended, but they will live on forever in our hearts! Lol, ok that was super cheesy, but I couldn’t think of a good opener for this post.

I finally got a chance to check out everyone’s entries to the Mogolympics over at JD’s awesome site – “The Official Home of the Transmog Games“. There were so many amazing entries, all I can say is ‘Wow!’.

I’m sure no explanation is needed as to why, I decided to make a slideshow of all the Fly Draenei that were in the Mogolympics. Not every faction had a Draenei representative, but that is ok, because some factions had more than one!

Here’s just a few of my Super Fly favorites.  It was really hard to only pick out a few, but otherwise this could go on for days.  Now I really know how the judges felt!

This wrestler representing Darnassus cant help but
be fly in that Zebra pimp hat!  He is a Draenei even
 professional wrestlers wouldn’t want to mess with.


This fencing entry from the Earthen Ring is really stunning.
The gold and silver with pops of green is well done.


The Illidari’s Cycling entrant made excellent
use of the Pillager’s Leggings.  Not very attractive
as a full set, but coordinated with the silver and
brown pieces, they look very nice.


The Sunreavers picked an excellent entrant for the
wrestling tournament.  This Draenei is super scary,
in a badass wrestler way.  You can see by his score he
even put the fear in someone as fly as Mr. Pimp Hat.
-- Draynee
Categories: Contests | Tags: | 2 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – Dragon Bones

Woohoo, FDF is back! I just have to say, I love playing on Proudmoore. It’s an like an endless font of fly Draenei! I have plans to visit other servers, but I’ve got to get my screenshot folder cleared up, lol.


This week I have a special reader submission from Awayuki on Frostmane (EU) He originally emailed me his pics just to share and let me know he had checked out the blog for ideas, which was really cool of him 🙂 I replied and asked if I could put his fly girl up for FDF and he said yes, so here she is! The neutral coloring in this set is very nice, I don’t see neutrals used that often. I especially love the shoulders and bow he chose to coordinate, the dragon bones are pretty awesome!  Here’s a good side view of the look.

Shoulders – Dragon-Quake Shoulders
Chest, Gloves, Belt, Legs, Boots – Desolation Battlegear
Bow – Ancient Bone Bow

Thanks for sending her in!  Just a reminder, if you or someone you know, is a fly Draenei, send me screenshots and I will feature them here on FDF.


Now, more of those fly Proudmoorians… Proudmoore-ites?

Darkzephyr has mixed golds and neutrals very nicely here.  The Bloodmail Legguards she has will very much be missed as a drop out of old Scholomance.  The Rustic Workman’s Shirt gives a more modest look to her chestpiece. Harryportal is pretty fly in his lime green ensemble.  Pieces from the Arachnidian Regalia are mixed with the Slavehandler Amice, Vengeance Staff and Venomshroud Mask.
Istarii‘s coordination of red and blue pieces is really stunning.  Merciless Gladiator’s Hood, Shoulders and Gloves, Cindercloth Vest and Pants, Azure Silk Belt. Ruido‘s look is a great casual, around town outfit.  Shadow Council Tunic, Legwraps of the Master Conjurer, and  Arcane Cover.
Sammyjo looks really awesome in her Warmonger’s Mail set, with the Crown of Destruction.  I didn’t even know there was this orange mail variant of one of my favorite sets, the Bogslayer Plate! Thãlena is super fly in her Death Knight Tier 7 outfit. The shoulder, chest, gloves, and legs are Heroes’ Scourgeborn Battlegear, with the Bladed Steelboots, and Acherus Knight’s Girdle.
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 2 Comments

Mogolympics Wrap-up

Well, the end has finally arrived.  The Closing Ceremonies to the Transmogolympics were today.  That was one hell of an amazing contest!  I, however, am speechless.  Or perhaps, I have too many words, but here it goes:

I am honored, shocked, amazed, surprised, grateful, ecstatic, humbled, and blown away:

I won the Mogolympics, and it is just so cool!  All the competitors did such an amazing job, and I’m so appreciative of each and every one of my medals.  I had so much fun with the challenges presented in creating the outfits.  A big CONGRATS! to all the other winners.   I can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to JD for setting the whole contest up, I hope he doesn’t get sick of hearing it, lol.  I also want to thank the other three judges, the mountain of entries they had to go through would have made lesser women run and hide :D.

As if he hasn’t already done enough, JD has set up an official Transmogolympics website to feature all of the competitor’s outfit by faction, and includes wowhead links for each look.  You can also get an idea of just how close every competition was, as he’s included each entry’s score.

I have also set up a page for all my Mogolympic entries, just for funsies 🙂

In week 3, we saw the final three events, Fencing, Freestyle, and Equestrian.

The first event of the week was Fencing. My little entrant proved gnomes aren’t just for punting around, and she’ll challenge anyone who tries!

The challenge for this event was to build an outfit around a one-handed sword.  I decided to literally make a fencer for this.  When I finally got all the pieces picked and matched perfectly, I fell in love with her.  Honestly, I put all my hopes and dreams into her.  I thought “if I can only win one event, I know it will be her”.   Not only did she bring home the gold, I found out in the closing ceremonies she got the highest, almost-perfect score for any entry of 39.5.  Gnome Powah!!!!  I sorta wish I hadn’t deleted my gnome warlock so she could wear this, it does not look as awesome on Draenei :/

The second event of the week was Freestyle.  This event was an opportunity to really show off some creativity, and the competitors really brought their ‘A’ game.

The challenge here was to build your own npc.  Here was the text I sent to go along with my entry:

My Freestyle NPC is a sheep farmer, who has moved in with Agee Tyler in his little cottage north of Stormwind. Despite their obvious height difference, they get along well, as Agee spends most of his days sitting in front of the fire and doesn’t have much to say.

I discovered the little cottage only a week or so before the contest was announced and I knew I wanted to use it.   I had debated on my character being a few different things, but decided the farmer fit the scene best.  The other npc idea I had was someone who could reassign you old quest chains in exchange for transmog-only pieces that were the original quest rewards.  That one didn’t really pan out, so farmer Drayney it was 🙂

The last event to be held was the Equestrian.  It was a rainy day in Hillsbrad Foothills, but the competitors were out in full horse, err… force.

The challenge for this round was to build an outfit to compliment one of the horse mounts.  I originally started with Tyrael’s Charger, but I’m glad I gave up on that because the Silver winner who did build around that horse did an incredible job.  So, my entry was based on the Felsteed.  My baby warlock Zzyzx was a great entrant for this.  I had a hard time picking a belt for the look.  I settled on one that was ok, but when I put the horse model into photoshop to lighten it up a little, I noticed the red rune on it’s chest.  I remembered seeing a belt that looked just like it, and the outfit was complete!  Now I just need to actually level her so she can wear it!

Well, that is the end!  It was super-fun and I hope there’s something like it again soon.  Maybe a winter version!  Brb, working on my Ice Dancing outfit! LOL.

-- Draynee
Categories: Contests | Tags: | 10 Comments

Embersilk Robes Transmog

This lovely robe is the perfect cherry red.  It shares it’s model with the Felcloth Robe.  I have one on the auction house I just can’t unload, so I thought I’d make a mog for it instead!  I decided to go with a red and green look to actually play off the belt.  I sincerely hope they come out with more low profile cloth belt models like this one, maybe without the screaming green gem in the middle 🙂

Embersilk Robes

-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog | Tags: , , | 4 Comments

Hunter’s Furious Gladiator Remix

aqua hunter

After coming across the Aucheni Tracker’s Hauberk, I really wanted to make a mog to go with it.  Most of this set is the Furious Gladiator’s Chain set, but with a few aqua accessories to make it pop.  I was lucky that the purple gems on the bow go with the ones in shoulder and helmet.

Head – Furious Gladiator’s Chain Helm

Shoulders – Furious Gladiator’s Chain Spaulders

Chest – Auchenai Tracker’s Hauberk

Gloves – Furious Gladiator’s Chain Gauntlets

Belt – Corded Viper Belt

Legs – Furious Gladiator’s Chain Leggings

Boots – Tsunami Boots

Bow – Starbolt Longbow

-- Draynee
Categories: Mail transmog set | Tags: , | 2 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – The Video

I totally slacked off on FDF this week.  There’s so much to do with the new patch, and AOE looting!  The biggest change for me was the change to gaining guild experience (xp).  has been a level 5 guild for ever.  It was a little hard to solo level a guild with a few friends only popping in every once in a while.  When I first heard about the change, which is all level appropriate quest turn-ins grant 60,000 guild xp no matter what level the character, I started running dailies like a mad woman.  It wasn’t until my second day back with those Sons of Hodir that I realized rep item turn-ins grant the same xp.  After trying different things and looking over my roster for level-appropriateness, I settled on turning Aldor rep items as the fastest way to go.  The best part about their turn-ins is that you can turn in single Marks of Sargeras, and each one grants you the 60,000!  My hubby loaned me his level 72 death knight for the turning-in.  I depleted the inventory on the auction house and got up to guild level 6.  A quick run through Shadow Labs netted me about 60 marks, so I settled into farming that dungeon.  About 700 (!) marks later, I reached my short-term goal of guild level 8.  Sweet Hasty Hearth, you are mine!

Since I was running two screens of WoW, after finishing the turn-ins I went over to my account and left the area to check something out.  When I tabbed back over to hub’s account, this is what I found:

I had an inkling it was that Blood Elf you see in the first picture, but his armory shows him Honored with the Aldor.  So, I guess maybe poor Adyen just passed out from the exhaustion of accepting all my turn ins!


Anyhow, since this is still Fly Dreanei Friday, how about the video that inspired it all for me?  I present Nyhm’s Pretty Fly (For a Draenei):

-- Draynee
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©2014 Pretty Fly for a Draenei. Design and Images by Drayney unless otherwise noted.