Paladin Week – Draynee Love


It’s Paladin Week over at Lae’s Alt Appreciation!  I don’t really have any alts or mains, I sorta play whoever strikes me when I log in, but I definitely didn’t want to miss this opportunity to gush over my paladin.  Draynee was my first alliance character, as I was a Hordie when I first started.  The story behind her making her is a little funny.  I had a falling out with a good friend I used to twink PVP with (back before twinks had their own battlegrounds).  I was pretty upset about it, and decided to make an alliance character on our battlegroup in hopes of running into him in the lowbie bg’s.  I chose draenei because I thought the noises they made when they get hit were kind of ridiculous.  I picked Draynee as her name, based on how I originally thought ‘draenei’ was pronounced (I was informed it was ‘dray-nigh’).  So, that’s how my love affair with space goats started.  I never did run into that person in the bg’s, as he quit playing before I got to level 39.  The good news is we are friends again, although he still doesn’t play WoW.  I ended up ditching the original Draynee to re-roll on Proudmoore after discussing possible future Alliance play with my husband, we wanted to pick a pretty high-pop server.  I’m glad I did, since dabbling in the blue side turned into a full-time affair, and Proudmoore’s a great server 😀

So, before I get to the mog goodness, I thought I’d update you guys on why I haven’t posted a whole heck of a lot lately.  If you don’t already, you should follow me on Twitter!  I post updates over there all the time.  Even if you don’t use Twitter, you can click on the link over to the left and see what I’m up to, without an account 🙂  Anyhow, I mentioned it before, but I’ve been working pretty much every day on my Draynee cosplay for Blizzcon!  I’m going in her purple Judgement/Revenant set.  This is my first cosplay, and pretty much first time ‘building’ anything, so there has been some challenges.  It’s coming together though, and I’m getting pretty excited about it!  I’ll probably post some tutorials later, after I get all the pieces finished, but here’s some sneak peeks!


Here’s my almost-finished Judgement shoulder.  I still need to add some details, but I think it’s pretty cool!  At first I attempted to carve this out of expanding foam like the amazingly talented Kamui, but I am not an sculpture artist.  So plan #2 that my husband found for me was to use the Pepakura program to print out the parts for a 3d model, which I made out of posterboard.  Then I added a few layers of glue and brown paper, and sprayed the inside with the expanding foam for structure.


This is Despair, all ready for priming and painting.  The sword is a mix of Pepakura parts, floral foam pieces, and some expanding foam.  The handle is a paper towel roll filled with expanding foam and a wood dowel for strength!  The weeks until Blizzcon are getting shorter, so I expect to be working even more on this, but fear not draenei enthusiasts, I’m still around and the blog’s not going anywhere!  Just might be on a crafting hiatus until after November 😉


Now, on to some mogs!  Draynee only has a few mogs in her collection.  It’s pretty much the reason I started the blog.  I was coming up with some great looks, but only wanted to really wear a couple.  She went wild and wore the Golden Valorous mog for a few months, but she’s back to purple judgement now as inspiration to get this cosplay done!



The cloak in the header picture is Silky Velvet Cloak

This mog is probably the second one I put together.  I’ve heard it referred to as an Alliance soldier mog, but the tabard is just there because I liked how the colors go together, and it covers up the corset.  I use it sometimes for a tanking set, when I get the wild urge to actually tank, lol!
I originally put this last mog together for my death knight, but it was just too bright for her, it didn’t feel right.  It works much better as a holy pally mog!  It’s a pretty popular look, but I still love it 🙂
Whew, well that was a long post, I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at my favorite paladin, Draynee!
-- Draynee
Categories: Plate transmog set | Tags: , , , , , , | 13 Comments

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13 thoughts on “Paladin Week – Draynee Love

  1. Wow, those pieces for the cosplay are looking great so far! I do hope there will be pics of the finished product here. 😀

  2. Simply amazing, Draynee! Now the real question: Will you, or will you not, be a Draenei at Blizzcon? Looking forward to the completed set, and hope you have a wonderful time! :p

    P.S. You bring Paladin Week a WHOLE new meaning. :p

    • Thanks Umlaut! OF COURSE I’m going to be a Draenei!! I probably won’t be able to walk the rest of November, but I’ve got some crazy boots in the works, lol!

  3. The cosplay gears looking good! I will keep an eye out for you. I’m not fortunate enough to be going to Blizzcon but me and the boyf will have the virtual ticket and the two things I’m 100% guaranteed to watch are the costume & dance contests. Speaking of which, will you be doing the dance contest too?

    • Thanks Jojo! Haha, no dancing for me, and I’m not sure if I’ll do the costume contest. They took sign-ups last month, and sometimes there are last-minute spots, but idk, I’m doing it for fun 😀

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I look forward to seeing the completed set in your Blizzcon pix!

  5. Oh, I’m so excited for you! Blizzcon is on my wishlist, as well as cosplay! I am really looking forward to the finished product! I think I’m getting the virtual ticket this year so I will look for you!

  6. Wow, can’t wait to see the completed cosplay set. Looks amazing so far.

    Miss you 😉

  7. Wow, your cosplay stuff looks fantastic so far! I can’t wait to see all of it completed! 😀

  8. I like the pink set. Will it work with a Fury Warrior? Ofc I rolled a female toon. Platekinis ftw!

  9. Vorin

    Hi, great job! Amazing!! Do you have pepakura pattern?

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