Fly Draenei Friday – Satsuri’s Picks

Hey guys!  I’m still on vacation, so my fly pal Satsuri put together an awesome FDF for us!  Make sure and check out her blog for some awesome mog stuff.  You can also read about when we spotted each other in Stormwind in this Fly Draenei Friday 🙂 Thanks so much Satsuri!!
It wouldn’t be Friday without a Fly Draenei Friday post! I’m Satsuri from over at Satsuri’s Style where I mainly post about transmogrification. Draynee was kind enough to let me post on FDF!
I see a lot of different transmogs on my server and can’t seem to keep my finger off my screenshot key ;). Here are a few fly draenei that have caught my eye:

Asperations has a really pretty plate set that reminds me of a sunset. She used the Avenger’s Battlegear Set from AQ (sorry, Paladin only) paired with a sweet axe, Gladiator’s Decapitator, and a guild tabard.

Gemíní is another pretty fly paladin in the Valorous Redemption set and the rare Tabard of the Lightbringer.

Nazzryth has done one of my favorite things: he transmogged the Replica Shado-Pan Helm! And how cool is it that he put it together with the Vengeful Gladiator’s priest set? I never thought of doing that. Now, go get exalted with the Shado-Pan and get your helm today!

Rainÿ’s transmog reminds me of the sweet set Draynee made for her hunter recently. Rainÿ makes black mail look pretty cool on a shaman! She mogged the gloves, belt, pants, and boots from the Slayer’s Mail set seen here. The Skeletal Shoulders and Double Link Tunic complete the look.

Last but not least, a leather set! I am excited to see draenei running around in leather now. Jubilee looks good in the recolored Tier 1 rogue set, Tabard of the Shattered Sun, and the Orca-Hunter’s Harpoon.

-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | Tags: | 3 Comments

Legolene’s Fashion Dilemma

Hey fly peeps!  I’m on vacation this week, so please enjoy this guest post from Legolene! 

Hey everyone this is Legolene from WoW Adventurer and I need some advice with my latest transmog.  As a Draenei who is relatively new to the whole transmogrification game, I find myself at a crossroads as to what do do with my fire mages latest outfit.  I currently have this red and gold theme going on, solely inspired by the shoulders Mantle of False Virtue which was a drop from Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight.  Since I decided I really liked the shoulders, and the red theme was somehow fitting with my mage’s main spec which is fire, I’ve been sporting the Red Linen Robe as my main outfit.

But it’s time for a change, and this is where I need the readers of Pretty Fly for a Draenei to help me out.

Do I switch to the Replica Magisters Robes and leave it at that? I really love this robe, with the gold accents, but isn’t it a little, I dunno, two seasons ago?

Or do I go with this fab new blue and gold theme, and either keep the red and gold shoulders, or start looking for some new blue and gold ones?

Can anyone suggest cloth shoulders that would go well with this robe, the Mistscape Robe? I could really use some advice here.

Thanks Pretty Fly Draenei for allowing me to ask your readers for help with my fashion dilemma.

-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog | Tags: , | 5 Comments

Badass Hunter Mog

Last week Kamalia posted a great round-up of her Noblegarden brightly colored transmogs.  My favorite was ‘Dressed to Kill II’, and looking at it reminded me how much I love the Double Link Tunic.  I never had much luck finding one on the AH, or getting its look-alike Avenger’s Armor to drop out of RFK.  But, after Kam’s post I was inspired again, and imagine my luck, there was one for sale!  I quickly snapped it up and got to work on a mog.  I recently discovered these awesome black gloves from Ulduar, and the look grew from there.  It’s not something I expected to like so much, but I LOVE it, and since I can’t come up with another name, it’s just going to be the ‘Badass Hunter’ Mog 😀  I mean that gun, is just so, so, badass!  I’m especially excited because I’ve been trying to come up with something else for my hunter to wear for ages, and always ended up mogging back in to my red outfit.


So, here it is!  Ulduar was very good to me last night, dropping the shoulders and gloves in one run.  When I headed to Karazhan for the gun, I though there was no way it would drop.  I made my way to the opera, the curtain drew and it was actually the Big Bad Wolf.  Not getting my hopes up, I ran around as a little gnome while my pet killed him, then… omg… he dropped the gun!  I guess sometimes a mog is meant to be!  The boots in this shot are ‘temporary’ until the ones I want drop, or I give up, lol, but I’ve included the other boots in the pic below.


Shoulders – Mantle of Fiery Vengeance

Chest – Double Link Tunic

Hands – Gloves of Taut Grip

Waist – Verek’s Leash

Legs – Savage Gladiator Leggings

Feet – Tempered Mercury Greaves

Gun – Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle

Feet (above) – Savage Gladiator Greaves



My favorite thing about this mog though, is that it looks good from the back, lol!  I came to realize that I spend most of the time looking at the back of my characters, and that’s where a lot of other mogs I tried for my hunter didn’t work out.  I really thought Drainee would stay in the red/orange mog forever, but I think this is a keeper 😉

Now, I’m off to try and install the mute annoying sounds “addon”, cause there is nothing worse than those damn gun sounds!

Oh, and here’s my pet I always use, Knucklehead. He’s a good guy, and coordinates with both my favorite mogs 😛

-- Draynee
Categories: Mail transmog set | Tags: , | 16 Comments

LFM – Fly Draenei Guest Posts!


Hey everyone! I’m going to be on a little vacation away from Azeroth for the next few weeks, and I am looking for a few super fly guest posts to put up while I’m gone! If your interested, send me an e-mail and I’ll give you the deets. It would be awesome if anyone wants to do an FDF from their realm, btw 😀


The Steam Pools Resort (image via Warcraft Less Traveled)
-- Draynee
Categories: Announcement | Leave a comment

Fly Draenei Friday – Fly GUY Friday

Hanging out on Twitter can be a lot of fun, you get to talk to other wow-players, keep up with blogs, and sometimes even see awesome mog pictures!  This was posted a few days ago by @Khalior, and it is just too damn cool!  I asked him if I could use the pic here, and he said go for it, so I decided to do a fly guy themed FDF!  They are few and far between, and for some reason, most male draenei aren’t mogged.  I managed to find enough for a whole post though, way to go to these players for being so super fly 😀


This is Khalior‘s Brawler transmog, I love the hashtags he included with it too: #saurokstyle #scaley #punchyouindaface. Lol!  This looks perfect for the Brawlers Guild, and yeah, if you’re going to be punching someone in the face, why not do it with giant spikey fists of doom!

Head – Gaze of Gara’jal

Shoulders – Sarjun Spaulders

Chest – Sarjun Chestguard

Hands – Sarjun Handwraps

Waist – Sarjun Belt

Legs – Sarjun Leggings

Feet – Sarjun Boots

Fists Weapons – Theldurin’s Fist


So cool!  Thanks for letting me share!  Now, here are some rare-spawns – fly draenei guys from Proudmoore 😉

I’ve seen quite a few females in these pieces, but never such a fly guy, Astræos is really rockin’ this look! Circle of Flame, Mantle of Three Terrors, Cindercloth Vest, Gloves and Pants, and Angelista’s Grasp. Gorubeza has a great mix of BC pally items here, even though he’s uh.. a death knight 😀 Brighthelm of JusticePauldrons of the Argent Sentinel, Breastplate and  Legplates of the Righteous, Glorious Gauntlets of Crestfall and Blue’s Greaves of the Righteous Guardian.
Caspirne looks ready for some serious hunting in his Gronnstalker’s set with a coordinating Guild Tabard. Here’s a two-fer! Faruq and Veno seem to be having some sort of important conversation here.  It’s probably about how great they look 😉
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 3 Comments

Lightning-Forged Reborn Weapons

Much like the re-released troll gear I posted about a little while ago, the weapons I’m going to feature here were taken out of the game with good old patch 4.0, the pre-Cataclysm patch.  These weapons were formerly made with a specialization of blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing.  Back in the day, both leatherworking and blacksmithing had 3 specializations you could train into, sort of like Gnomish vs. Goblin Engineering.  I’m not sure why they took out lw & bs but left engineering in, but I suppose they just weren’t as “fun”.  But, these weapons are back now with patch 5.2.  I’m really excited about it because I saw the Blazeguard used in someone’s Mogolympics set, and have wanted it ever since!

You can learn the recipes by visiting the Isle of Thunder and killing Itoka. Your server needs to have unlocked stage 4 of the Isle to access him.  He’s a little tricky to kill, but there is usually other people killing him for the daily.  He will drop a quest item, Strange Metal Ingot, that you turn in at the actual Thunderforge.  You will get the recipes for the ‘first stage’ of each weapon, a level 463 version.  After you make a 463 version, you will learn the recipe for an upgraded version which is level 476, followed by a level 502 weapon that you learn upon making the 476.  So, these weapons aren’t too bad to get either for transmog or upgrades.  All you need is a level 90 with 600 blacksmithing!  No special requirements for unlocking the island, although, you will need a lot of Ghost Iron bars to make your Lightning Steel Ingot every day 😉

Lionheart, Reborn


Lionheart Champion with a custom set.

This weapon is a two-handed strength sword.

Lionheart Blade, Reborn

Lionheart Champion, Reborn

Lionheart Executioner, Reborn

Blazefury, Reborn

This is a one-handed agility sword.

Fireguard, Reborn

Blazeguard, Reborn

Blazefury, Reborn


Blazeguard with Bard’s set and
Shoulderguards of Assimilation.

Read more »

-- Draynee
Categories: Weapons | Tags: | 1 Comment

Fly Draenei Friday – Soco Wow!

I hope you guys have been enjoying all the FDF’s lately!  Sorry for lack of other mog posts, I’ve been feeling a little uninspired :/  I’ve just been tending my farm and doing dailies, it’s a little blah.  I have some things on the backburner though, just need to light the fire and get to it!  But enough about me, this post is all about some super fly draenei!  This week’s reader mog is from lovely Soco at Vault of Light.  Soco has a lot of great tips about gold making over on her blog, along with some beautiful screenshots.  Her draenei pictures on her blog header are so pretty too!


With the release of patch 5.2 I’ve been on a bit of a Troll / Tribal kick! I’ve loved the Vital Raiment robe (as well as the other versions) for so long and now just felt like the perfect time to embrace it!

Chest – Vital Raiment
Gloves – Shivery Handwraps*
Wrist – Trellised Wristwraps
Legs – Ancestral Woollies
Waist – Contender’s Satin Belt
Shoulder – Malevolent Gladiator’s Mooncloth Mantle
Staff – Staff of the Plaguehound
Helm – Bad Mojo Mask

*These gloves are no longer in the game, but if you’re looking for something similar, you could try the Replica Virtuous Gloves or Belly Rubbers.

Great mog Soco!  I also love this dress model, and my mage pretty much only wears variations of it now 😉  I don’t really play a priest, so I didn’t even know about these shoulders, they are very nice.  Thanks for sending it in!!!

And here’s some super fly Proudmoore-ites!

I’m always super excited to see a fly guy, and Barroll is just that in his Lightforge recolor set with perfectly-coordinated Tushui Pandaren tabard. Armellé looks pretty in her purple leather mog. Revelosh’s Spaulders, Darkmoon Vest, Veteran’s Dragonhide Belt, and Kilt of Living Growth.
Phuutu‘s look is very simple, but very lovely. Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders, Crimson Silk Vest, Wraps of the San’layn, Thundercloud Grasps and Crimson Silk Pantaloons. Nyghtstorm‘s golden mog is beautiful! Crown of Destruction, Triumphant Shoulder Pads, Gauntlets, Girlde and Legplates,with Masterwork Breastplate and Sparkleshell Sabatons.
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 2 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – Junk in the Trunk

Happy Friday everyone, hope you had a great week!   So, this week’s reader fly draenei doesn’t actually have junk in her trunk, more like gear in her bank, but that’s not as snazzy 😛


It’s another mog from Simon!  You can see his previous FDF submissions here and here.  Simon says: 

It’s amazing what you can create by simply throwing around what you’ve got in your bank…

Well, isn’t that the truth!

Head – Black Mageweave Headband
Shoulders – Regal Mantle
Robe – Replica Sorcerer’s Robe
Hands – Frostweave Gloves
Waist – Arcanist Belt
Staff – Crystalfire Staff 


Here’s another submission from a reader named Jason.  He didn’t have much to say, but his fly draenei looks like she’s ready to kick some butt!  She is wearing the chest, legs and belt from the Imbued Plate set, and wielding The Gleaming Ravager from the new Scarlet Monastery loot.  You go girl!! Or, man… you go man, since Jason is a dude and all ;P

Thanks for your pics guys, you rock!


Here’s some more rockin’ draenei from around Proudmoore:

This green and gold look by Mezramalda is very nicely done. Glimmering Mail PauldronsBurnished Tunic and Gloves, Soldier’s Girdle, Captain’s Leggings and Boots, and Skyfire Hawk-Bow. Starkanna is wearing a lovely red pantsuit. Red Mageweave HeadbandMantle of Three Terrors, Disguise of the Kumiho, Red Linen Vest, Infernoweave Gloves and Boots, and Buccaneer’s Pants.
I didn’t catch this Death Knight’s name, but her look definitely fits her class! Blood-Soaked Saronite Plated Spaulders, Warrior’s Embrace and Enchanted Adamantite Leggings are some of her key pieces. Aì subscribes to the ‘less is more’ idea for monk outfits. Imposing Bandana, Swamp Shoulders, Fizzle’s Vest, Red Belt of Gentle Persuasion, Warbear Woolies, and Darkbrand Boots for that invisible boots look.

Thanks for checking out another fabulous Fly Draenei Friday! Remember, if you would like me to feature your fly draenei, send me some screenies, I’d love to add you to the FDF fun!

-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 3 Comments

5.2 Troll Gear Re-releases

When the troll raids Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman were revamped as 5-man dungeons in Cataclysm, much of the of the original gear was either removed, or recolored for the updated loot tables.  Since this was before transmog, not many people had the old gear hanging around.  Blizzard seems to be keyed into how much people love to mog old sets though, and they have brought these back with the introduction of the Isle of Thunder!  All of these items drop off of mobs on the island, and except for the Corroded Hacker, they are all BOE, so check out your local auction house if you’re not able to visit the new dailies hub yet.  I really love this idea of re-introducing removed gear as random green drops.  I’m keeping my finger crossed that the old Scholomance and Scarlet Monastery gear re-appears soon.  In the mean time, check out these fly sets













 Transmog extras: Mooncloth Vest
This set actually comes with a dress whose model is already in game.
Since the pants and gloves are new, I wanted to show the off here.

For more info, check out wowhead’s write up of all the drops.  There are a ton more
weapons, a red and purple recolor of the Amani Regalia, and some pieces that were
missing from recolors of other sets.

-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog, Leather transmog, Mail transmog set, Plate transmog set | Tags: | 4 Comments



Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I started this blog!  When I first started blogging, I really had no plan in mind, I just wanted to write about my transmog stuff.  I must say I am very happy with the direction it’s gone in, and transmog is still as fun as it was back then!  I was looking over my very first post, and I got a good chuckle out of the last line:

“I couldn’t be happier to be back, well maybe if they allowed 2-handed maces to be transmogged into 2-handed swords, but I’ll take my gun-to-bow feature and just be quiet about it!”

Hehe, pretty much exactly one year later, I finally can 😀  Back then I really didn’t have a whole lot to blog about, and after I had posted the few mogs I had done, I wasn’t sure I had much else to say.  It wasn’t until after the WoW Factor show came to Proudmoore for a second time that I really took off. Inspired by the awesome Ironyca, I started a series of ‘mog-spotting’ posts that turned into Fly Draenei Friday.  FDF is my favorite part of my blog!  Being a finalist in that show also gave me the confidence to start posting more mogs I had in my MogIt wishlist.

I am super thankful to all the people who read the blog.  Who would have thought my draenei obsession would be interesting?  Just for some blogversary fun, I thought I’d highlight my most-read posts!

#3 – Jade Monk / Black Ninja Monk


I had thought that monk transmogs might be a popular topic, but holy cow do people love some draenei monks!  These two posts are pretty close in views, so I’m calling it a tie.  I love these two mogs, and I’m super happy other people do too!


#2 – How to Scale Shoulders in WoW Model Viewer


Holy giant shoulders!!  I first heard about WoW Model Viewer when I asked wonderful Kamalia how she got those lovely white backgrounds in her transmog pics.  I messed around with it a little, but the giant shoulder size bugged me.  When I started making my entries for the Mogolympics, I really wanted to do fun ‘themed’ pictures, so I decided to give WMV another shot.  I couldn’t find very good information on adjusting the shoulder sizes, so once I figured it out I wanted to help others make it work too 🙂


#1 – Random Mogness – Hunter Mogs


I joined Twitter last summer as a way to meet new bloggers and other Draenei Enthusiasts, and I have met awesome people who are both!  One of them is Laeleiweyn.  At some point after I did this post on hunter mogs, she recommended it to WoW Hunter’s Hall to add to their transmog guide, and they did!!  I’m still surprised at how many views this has gotten as a result, thanks Lae!


Well, there you have it!  Thanks again everyone and here’s to another year of staying fly! 😉

-- Draynee
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