Happy Independence Day!

draineeClick here for the July 4th set in wowhead
Happy Independence Day fellow US players!  Drainee is all set for the fireworks in Stormwind tonight.  She’s even started lighting sparklers!  Any excuse to pull out the Starfaller, one of my favorite items in the game.
-- Draynee
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Transmog the Transmogrifier

When looking for transmog inspiration, NPC’s are a natural choice.  There are some great ones out there including Stormwind Guard, Orgrimmar Grunt, and Dark Ranger.  But, what about the guys that make the moggin’ possible?  Behold, the ethereals!

These guys have a really cool look going on.  Probably because they are made of purple light wrapped in bandages, but their clothes are neat too. So, here’s a few looks that capture the ‘feel’ of the transmogrifier, reforger and void storage guy.

First up, the transmogrifier guy! I tried to hit on his dark grey and purple color scheme and detailed skirt, along with flared out gloves, and of course, a hood! I normally don’t do helms in my outfits, but the cool hoods are what got me thinking about these mogs.

Warpweaver Hashom – Transmogrifier

“Mogger” mog, with a few priest-only pieces:

Head – Cowl of Absolution (priest only)

Shoulders – Soulstealer Mantle

Chest – Robes of Arugal

Hands – Savage Gladiator’s Mooncloth Gloves (priest only)

Waist – Clutch of Andros

Mace – Cudgel of Consecration

Off-hand – Temple Crystal Fragment


“Mogger” mog, sleeveless and all-classes version:

Head – Titan-Forged Hood of Dominance

Shoulders – Soulstealer Mantle

Chest – Necropile Robe

Hands – Bloodmage Gloves

Waist – Clutch of Andros

Mace – Cudgel of Consecration

Off-hand – Temple Crystal Fragment

mogger sleeveless2

Next, the reforger. He was a little more difficult as his coloring is a really light grey that doesn’t seem to appear much in existing gear.

Thaumaturge Rafir – Arcane Reforger
reforger grey

Reforger grey:

Head – Corp’rethar Ceremonial Crown

Shoulders – Necropile Mantle

Chest – Raiments of the Iron Council

Hands – Relentless Gladiator’s Mooncloth Gloves (priest only)

Waist – Highlander’s Cloth Girdle

Staff – Staff of Divine Infusion


Reforger white:

Head – Cowl of Benevolence

Shoulders – Soulstealer Mantle

Chest – Victor’s Robes

Hands – Safeguard Gloves

Waist – Astralaan Belt

Staff – Staff of Divine Infusion

reforger white

And finally, the void storage guy. This guy gave me a hard time, and I’m not 100% about the look, but I’ve tried so many pieces, I’m just gonna go with this one 🙂 Since there is no ‘sprakly purple ball’ main-hand weapon, I went with a sparkly spinny mace in it’s place

Vaultkeeper Razhid – Void Storage
void mog2

Head – Royal Headband

Shoulders – Necropile Mantle

Chest – any sleeveless chest will work here, I went with Black Silk Vest, and have theWound Dressing shirt on underneath as a nod to the ethereal’s wrappings

Hands – Truefaith Gloves

Waist – Master’s Belt

Legs – Pants of the Naaru

Feet – Silver-Thread Boots

Mace – Hammer of Atonement

Off-hand – Netherwing Spiritualist’s Charm

-- Draynee
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WTB a Draenei Warlock

According to WoW Realm Pop, Warlocks are the least played class, right behind Shamans, at 7.6% if players on US Realms.  In a WoW Insider article posted back in April, they revealed that GuildOx had determined that Warlocks are the least played class in heroic raiding. Cynwise even has a whole series of posts dedicated to the Decline and Fall of Warlocks in Cataclysm.   According to my own opinion, the real reason for the warlock’s low level of desirability is the fact that Draenei cannot be warlocks.  As an example, lets look at the Shaman.  Currently 7.1% of US Alliance players are Shamans (via Realm Pop), as compared to the 0% of Alliance players that were Shaman before the class was opened to Draenei.

Ok, I know that is the worst example ever, since no Alliance race could be Shamans before Draenei. Hey, a gal can exaggerate every once in a while right?

Eredar Twins in Sunwell Plateau

Now, I am well aware that Draenei lore does not really support them being Warlocks.  The name Draenei means “exiled ones” in the Eredun language.  The Draenei were originally Eredar, who, under Velen, fled the corruption on their home world brought about by the fallen titan Sargeras.  The remaining eredar, led by Kil’jaeden and Archimonde were eventually turned into a race of warlocks and sided with the Burning Legion (wowiki).  The Draenei settled on the planet they named Draenor and led a relatively peaceful life with the native orcs, until they too were corrupted by Kil’jaeden himself, who had been hunting the Draenei since they peaced-out of the whole ‘siding with the Burning Legion’ deal.

Archimonde in Mount Hyjal Summit

So, Draenei have not had a nice time with warlocks, I get it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t want to play one!  I have tried to play warlocks of other races, I had a 71 gnome warlock who was deleted, along with a level 12 goblin who was also deleted.  Currently my human lock is 38, and my blood elf lock is 36.  I just can’t get into it.  I am convinced if I had a Draenei lock, she’d be the fasted alt to 85 yet.  It would be the best, I’d probably make her my main.  I’d have a felhunter named Phuumon, and an imp named Kazpit.  Maybe she wouldn’t zoom to 85, I’d turn of my xp and farm dungeon gear so I could turn my xp back on and level up through bg’s.  That probably sounds even more ridiculous than the subject of this post, but that is exactly how I leveled my hunter, lol.

I’d also get wear the most amazing warlock gear, like this:


Chest & Shoulders – Warlock Tier 6Robe of the Malefic and Mantle of the Malefic

Waist – Anetheron’s Noose

Hands – Widow’s Clutches

Staff – Staff of Sinister Claws

Or this! It isn’t a warlock-only set, but it would make a lot more sense than on a Mage:

Head – Horns of Justified Sins or Felheart Horns

Shoulders – Hatefury Mantle

Chest – Elder’s Robe

Waist – Councillor’s Sash

Hands – Gloves of Pentinence

Staff – Staff of Beasts

And, finally:

Super Creepy Warlock Shoulders – Valorous Plagueheart Shoulderpads

Chest – Watcher’s Tunic

Waist – Mage-Fury Girdle

Hands – Hands of Darkness

Legs – Elegant Leggings

Feet – Saltarello Shoes

Staff – Zhar’doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer


So, if you’ve stuck with me this long, you’re probably wondering how I think they should incorporate Draenei warlocks in lore.  Well if you are (or aren’t) here it is.  During a quest in the Swamp of Sorrows, Velen states, “Even now, the true battle between the forces of Light and Darkness approaches. We will all be called to join, and in the face of this conflict, all mortal suffering will be meaningless”.  The Warcraft story will eventually come back around to the Burning Legion.  They’re out there still, and they need to be stopped.  We’ve all heard that the best way to fight your enemy is to use their own strength against them.  If the Draenei are to be at the forefront of this battle, they are going to need understand warlocks inside and out.  To acheive this understanding, a brave group of Draenei will need to study the fel arts and learn how to use it. Only then, will they be able to harness this power against the evil that has hunted them for so long.  I will be that Draenei, and I’ll look good doing it!

-- Draynee
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Fly Draenei Friday

I had so much fun running around Stormwind and ninja-taking Draeneis’ screenshots, I’ve decided to make it a Friday thing!  This week I even got a shot of someone in Dalaran, I’m glad I’m not the only one with my hearth still set there.

Tetramein, with another take on the Shaman Tier 2 recolor, but with the Sundered Chestpiece and Gauntlets.

Andrenidae, hanging out in Dal with Anathema,
the ‘dark side’ of the staff Benediction

Callet, in a nice grey and gold set. The invisible
Archerus Knight’s Girdle coordinates great, lol!

Chuchurocket, in Robes of Faltered Light and
Duskshallow Mantle. I love the unique model
of these shoulders.

and that invisible death knight girdle. I especially love the creepy weapons, Treachery’s Bite,
which have a sort of wiggly animation, they’re alive!
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 2 Comments

Little Red Riding Hood

Taelz – photo courtesy of WoW Factor

At the recent Proudmoore WoW Factor Show this Worgen gentleman garnered quite a conversation.  The judges loved his transmog, although we were all quite confused when he pulled out his off-hand weapon.  He ended up winning 2.5k, but the best part was what he reminded one of the judges of.  I believe it was Ironyca who said he looked like the Big Bad Wolf!  She said she would love for someone to show up as Red Riding Hood and pose with him.  Well, that got my gears spinning!  I wasn’t able to quickly acquire the pieces for a Red Riding look, but I decided to put some looks together in Mog-It for fun.

Unfortunately, cloaks look pretty silly on Draenei, so it kind of looks better on a human.  My baby warlock, Zzyzx was kind enough to guest-pose for a comparison.


Little Red Drayney


Little Red Zzyzx’s cloak
looks much better.


Head – Cowl of the Grand Engineer
Shoulders – Mantle of Tirisfal
Cloak – any red cloak will do, Draynee is wearing Phoenix-Wing Cloak, and Zzyzx, Vibrant Silk Cape
Chest – Airfeild Defender’s Garb
Gloves – Imperial Red Gloves
Waist – Beach Party Thong

The Basket is the Egg Basket from Noblegarden. While it can’t be used for transmog, it’s fun to run around with!

I also put together some alternative looks for variety:

drayney 2

Fancy Red Riding Hood

Head – Cowl of the Grand Engineer

Shoulders – Mantle of Tirisfal

Cloak – Ravager’s Cloak

Chest – Mooncloth Robe

Shirt – Sawbones Shirt

Gloves – Imperial Red Gloves

Waist – the belt here is kinda ‘meh’, I couldn’t find
one I really like with the dress, Historian’s Sash


Simple Red Riding Hood

Head – Embalmed Shroud

Shoulders – Consortium Mantle

Cloak – Sergeant’s Cape

Chest – Imperial Red Tunic

Gloves – Replica Virtuous Gloves

Waist – Belt of Dark Schemes

Legs – Duskwoven Pants

Feet – Maleki’s Footwraps

drayney 3

A topic for another day – cloth belts stink and are hard to coordinate…

-- Draynee
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Another Great WoW Factor Show!

Last Saturday, the WoW Factor team came to Proudmore again for a special Proudmore Pride transmog show.  Proudmore Pride is an annual event hosted by the two mega-guilds on the server, and this year they invited WoW Factor to have a transmog fashion show.  Once again, it was an awesome time, with a great turnout.  Major thanks to the hosts and the guilds who sponsored the prize money.

I decided to bring my mage this time, since I recently (finally) completed an outfit for her.

Waiting for my turn.
I got picked for a round one prize towards the begining of the show, so I spent the next few hours hanging out and listening to the live stream (thanks Elvine).  The show went a little long because everytime they were almost out of round one money, someone else came and sponsored more prizes!  The server-wide support was great, and some late-comers, or others who may not have normally gotten a prize were able to be spotlighted.
Here are some of my Fly Draenei spots from the show:


Rinno and Lladnaea


Schwert, who was a 10k winner, and a
Worgen at the last show.

You can check out more of the participants in the WoW Factor Facebook album.

Once Round 2 was over and 112.5k gold was given out, there was a short break for outfit changing before round 2. Round 2 would be the final round at this event.  Like the last show, the judges picked two 10k winners, and 3 finalists for the last spot.  This time, though, they decided the final 10k winner through an audience vote.  However, much like last time, the finalists were me, a dwarf, and a Draenei hunter.  It turned out the dwarf mage (Krystalis) is the same player who was in the finals with me as a dwarf shaman from the first show, strange that we both switched to mages for this show.  We had a great time talking about our outfits and wishing each other luck during the last round.

Audience voting
This time, the hunter blew us both out of the water.  She had the most audience members lined up behind her, Krystalis was 2nd, and I came in 3rd. I got a pretty cool dagger I might use in a future outfit.  Props to all the winners, and especially the hunter who beat us, Kiarmshi for keeping it super fly!
-- Draynee
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Fly Draenei in Stormwind pt. 2

More of my fellow Draenei enthusiasts from Proudmoore.

Soddos, a holy paladin in a nice subdued
gold set, including the Shattered Hand Breastplate,
Bloodfist Legplates, and a mix of Dragon Sould drops.

Luuli, shaman in Battleforge Shouldergaurds,
Masterwork Breastplate, and some other really well
coordinated gold pieces.


Me and Wowzersbaby. I had taken her screenie in the AH a few days earlier,
but she was blinking, so I was glad to catch her again outside by the training
dummies. We traded buffs that day, lol. Scarlet Sin’dorei Robes,
Mantle of Prophecy, Circlet of Prophecy, and Gauntlets of the Sun King.

Greede, another Draenei male in a shaman tier set, Tier 6.


Xessia’s outfit is really nice, but I was really thrilled to see her use the Mazothoril Honor Shield, since
 I’ve mentioned it’s awesomeness before.

Part 1

-- Draynee
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Fly Draenei in Stormwind, pt. 1

I was browsing around random transmog-related blogs the other day, when I came across a post by Ironyca, who is the co-founder of WoW Roleplay Gear and one of the organizers and judges of the WoW Factor show.  Her post was about going mog-spotting on a realm where the WoW Factor was going to be held, and included some nice candid shots of moggers in Stormwind.  I loved this idea, so I’ve gathered my candid shots of stranger draenei in SW from the past few nights.

Nimmer, Draynee’s almost twin. Judgement recolor shoulder, chest and gloves, Revenant legs and boots, and the Crimson Beholder Eye for the helm.

Auzurra, a hot ret pally in Hyperion Plate.

Pride, one of the few male Draenei mogs I’ve seen,
shaman Tier 11.

Zevinnus, in a really well put-together black and red set. My best guess at the items is here.

Chicahanabi, another great shaman tier look, Tier 2 re-color.

Léxie, in a mix of Wrathful and Ruthless Gladiator’s gear. I love how her headband matches the look.

Click here for Part 2

-- Draynee
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The WoW Factor Show

I got up a little earlier than usual this past Saturday to catch the second WoW Factor show on my home server, Proudmoore.  I am so glad I was able to make it, not only was it a lot of fun, there were some amazing transmogs, and I walked away with 15k!  The WoW Factor shows were started by Keelhaul, who hails from Proudmoore, and they have grown into a fantastic community event, held on different servers every few weeks.  Info on the shows, and a complete write up of this one can be found at WoW Roleplay Gear.  They are an amazing resource for transmog outfits.  I really want to thank all the people who hosted the show, and the live-stream, along with the judges, especially Tmaralee who really rallied for me to win in Round 3.  I’ve never been involved with server-wide events, and for the people who worked so hard to put this together, I appreciate the opportunity.

I started the morning in my pally’s blue templar mash-up set.  I found a spot in the circle and waited patiently, hoping to be noticed.  Listening in to the live stream, I was amazed by the judges attention to detail, and knowledge of gear.  Some of the outfits they really liked were just off by one or two pieces, which ended up happening with mine.  They liked the look, but felt the shield was off.  The ensuing conversation about how maybe I should have used the Royal Crest of Lordaeron, but no, that’s too orange… was pretty entertaining given that’s how I started this post.  In the end, they passed on me for round 1.  I thought about bringing in Drainee in her Ice Ice Baby set, but as I was talking to a friend about it, the judges were looking at another person in frost resist gear.  One of the judges said she liked the use of fr gear, but because it stood out so much, it gave her a feeling of ‘I’ve seen it already’.  I decided since I had finally gotten Despair to drop from Kara a few weeks ago, I needed to just go with my very first transmog outfit.

The winning look.  Photo from The WoW Factor.

I ran off to Stormwind to finish mogging my dps gear, and to buy a sword to mog into Despair.  I made it back to Ironforge while round 1 was still going on.  I caught the judge’s eye again, but found out I could only be judged once per round, per outfit.  “Don’t worry though Draynee,” one of the judges said, “we’ll be back.”  And come back, they did.  I think I was like the second or third person they picked for Round 2.  It was really awesome to hear them say such nice things about my outfit.  One even said that I lived up to the guild name, Pretty Fly For a Draenei!  Of course, as they were giving me my winnings, it had to be pointed how ‘so wrong, so wrong’ my guild tabard really is.  It was a good laugh.  The guild tabard is meant to be ridiculous, I mean, why in the world would they make that a tabard graphic?!  Someone later commented on the live stream that “the boob tabard won,” lol.

The judges had a heck of a time picking the rest of the round 2 winners.  There was a lot of debate between them and a lot of great looks.  I was glad that Wondergirl won in round 2, because they really liked her take on the judgement recolor/revenant set before I showed up in mine.  In round 1 they didn’t like her shield either, but she took their suggestion and bought the Titansteel Shield Wall, so she got a win for the second round.  One of my favorites was Domungus, a dwarf hunter who I guess was mogged to look like a mine guard.  Throughout the show they were back on forth on that poor guy.  He also had a piece off in round 1, his boots, which he switched for round 2 and scored a win.

The ‘final four’ Draynee Electracute Maraki and Eldani

Round 3 was the final round, a total of 3 winners. They started off the round by immediately picking out Schwert as a 10k winner.  Her outfit is really an incredible mash of pieces from different sets pulled together beautifully.  I kept hearing my name but I wasn’t quite sure what was going on.  All the judges seemed zeroed in on Ryoukø, but Tmaralee said she’d only agree if the last spot went to Draynee. (!)  I honestly think some of the male judges worried about looking sexist if they picked me.  I don’t think my outfit was anymore sexist then Ry’s, but Mara’s wanting to pick me turned into a long diatribe about always picking ‘pretty races’ from one judge, and then a defense of picking them because they are the majority that show up from another.  In the end, each judge picked their favorite for the last spot and defended that pick.  Tmaralee was awesome and said she couldn’t pick out anything she would change about my look.  She later sent me a tell saying she doesn’t even tend to like pink!  After the plugs, each judge picked the two it was between, and it ended up being 3 for me, and 2 for Electracute.  I was so excited to win, but I was also pulling for Electracute.  Her outfit was really well put together, and the creativity to mog a dwarf isn’t seen too often.   All-in-all, it was incredibly fun, and I am thankful to be a winner.  I might have to roll a level 1 on the next server they visit to check everyone out!

A few of the winners who were left at the end.
-- Draynee
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The Vacation Panda Island, I mean, Mists of Pandaria Beta is live, and without an NDA!  This means all sorts of juicy data-mining and screenshots are popping up all over the internet.  My favorite new information is the release of the female Pandaren model.  I am crossing all my fingers and toes they don’t pull a fast one on us and switch it out, like they did the Worgen models before release.  These little panda ladies are so cute!

I must admit, I was completely skeptical about Mist of Pandaria.  I was sure the pre-Blizzcon hype and “leaks” were just to throw everyone off the trail.  Thanks to an amazing friend, I got a last-minute ticket to the first day of Blizzcon.  Luckily, I only live about 10 minutes from the Anaheim Convention Center, so even though I found out I was going about an hour before it started, I was able to make it out for the opening ceremony.  I sat there, completely dumbfounded, as they announced the next expansion, and previewed Pandaria and all things Pandaria-ey.  Blizzard had spent the past however-many years telling us that Pandaren wouldn’t be in game, and that they were some sort of un-funny joke, that it was surreal to me that it was actually happening.  Well, also being at Blizzcon was sort of surreal.  I tried to keep an open mind the rest of the day, through even more ridiculous announcements like the talent-tree overhaul, Pet Battles, and removing hunter minimum range.  It wasn’t until later that day, during a dev Q&A, when I got to see Chris Metzen get really fired up that I started to accept the panda-ness.  Some goob in the audience questioned the motives behind Pandaria and mentioned to Metzen about the Pandaren being a joke.  Metzen was P-I-S-S-E-D.   The guy’s got a lot of passion for the game, and seeing as he could have wrote it off as a cash cow long ago, I guess you can’t fault him for it. So, cool, Pandaren, that rocks Mr. Metzen, and so do you!

‘Female’ Pandaren at Blizzcon

I was lucky enough to play the Pandaren starting zone they had a Blizzcon twice, and it was really cool.  I liked the “female” model they had in that alpha, though I am glad they developed a real one.  Monks seem like they are going to be a really fun class to play.  I am glad they added auto-attack to the class, since it was not there at Blizzcon.  It felt so weird, to walk up to a mob, right click on it, and not do anything.  SW:TOR doesn’t have auto-attack, and it’s strange there too.  I fully plan on rolling a Draenei monk with my new, 11th character slot.

So, why is such a Draenei enthusiast so excited about female Pandaren?  Well, three reasons: 1. new things are shiny and fun;  2. Draenei can’t be rogues, but panda can; 3. Pandaren females are so darn cute!  I know, I may have said that already.  I just think Blizzard really hit a home run here.  There’s probably a lot of people out there that aren’t fans, but they always seem like the type that aren’t happy about anything.  WoW players have been asking for area looting since Rift came out last year, but a friend informed me that there is actually a thread on mmo-champion.com full of people complaining about Blizzard adding area looting.  I can’t be bothered to read why these negative Nancies think it’s wrong, but it just goes to show, some people will complain about anything.  Please don’t take me as a fan-girl either, I try and temper my excitement with the knowledge that not everything Blizzard does is A+.  See my earlier comment about female Worgen.  That said, why play a game like WoW if I’m not going to get excited, or get grumpy at changes, or lack of changes.  I just try and enjoy the World of Warcraft for what it is, and secretly hope they fix the things it isn’t without changing it too much.

P.S. The red female Pandaren get to have tails, even cuter!!

-- Draynee
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©2014 Pretty Fly for a Draenei. Design and Images by Drayney unless otherwise noted.