Mini Mog Post – Feeling Green


I’m working my way towards the Quintessential Quintet acheivement, but I’ve been finding it hard to choose which alt should be number 5.  I already have a Paladin, Hunter, Death Knight and Mage at 90.  The DK and Mage are my elf ladies, so I debated for a long time about leveling my fly draenei mage.  Do I need another mage?  Probably not.  The reason I leveled my elf mage though, is because I had so much fun playing Drayney at the end of Cata.  So, I’ve played around with my warrior, leveled all my almost-80 lanquishers, even started bringing up my 52 priest!  It all comes back to wanting to mage it up though!  She was already just shy of 87 from doing archeology, and still rocking her farmer mog.

The first step in leveling up any character is getting a nice mog set up 😀   I visited my bank and void storage for inspiration, and this dress was really speaking to me.  I had already purchased the dragon staff, and I thought they went together pretty well.  I don’t really think of green as a mage color, but I kinda love the look, so I thought I’d share it with you guys!


Shoulders – Frayed Abomination Stitching Shoulders

Chest – Brightcloth Robe

Waist – Councillor’s Sash

Hands – Windwool Gloves

Staff – Staff of Broken Hopes

For legs, I’m using the Cindercloth Pants, but any of that model, or the new model leggings would work to show the cut out.  If you’re feeling a little more modest, you could also go with a greenish-gold or brown pair or pants.

sideThe little red gem on the shoulder to match
the red strapping on the staff.

-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog | Tags: , | 4 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – even Saturdays are Fly

Better late than never, eh?


This week I have a super fly mog from a reader named Simon.  He says this is by far the best transmog he’s come up with, but I say I cant wait to see more, because this one is awesome!!  He’s used the new leggings model introduced with Mists here, which is awesome because I haven’t featured any of the new gear yet!  Maybe I should get on that…

Head – Mage-Collar of the Firestorm
Shoulders – Mantle of Three Terrors
Chest – Cindercloth Vest
Tabard of The Wyrmrest Accord
Wrists – Earthmenders Bracers of Shattering
Hands – Gloves of the High Magus
Waist – Captains Sanders’ Sash
Legs – Cournith Waterstrider’s Silken Finery   (Cindercloth Leggings works just fine, aswell)
Feet – Fire Striders
Staff – Sun-Infused Focus Staff

Thanks for sending in your mog, Simon 😀


And here’s some Proudmore mog-spots!

Like the monk I spotted last week, Faludi is using several rogue tier pieces in her super fly mog. Tier 13 chest head and gloves, with tier 9 shoulders, and simple Daggercap Trousers. This death knight look is so fly. The shoulders and legs from DK tier 10 are combined with pieces from tier 13, and topped off with the Tabard of the Ebon Blade.  The sword is pretty amazing too.
Boredtodeath‘s gold mail mog really stands out! Glimmering Mail LegguardsPauldrons and Girdle are paired with, Burnished Tunic and Battlecaller Gauntlets. Kelpret looks great in her Gronnstalker’s Armor. The headpiece she chose, Brigade Circlet, coordinates really nicely!
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | Leave a comment

Replica Soulforge Mogs


After approximately 8,473 runs of the Ring of Law in BRD, I finally got Anub’shiah to relenquish his chestpiece to me and finish this mog I’ve been messing around with for months!  It’s gone through several itterations, and originally started as something different for my pally to wear.  I really wanted to use this slimmer version of the Revenant gloves, but since they are from a Hellfire Peninsula quest, I sadly no longer had them for Draynee.  Good thing I kept every piece of gear I got while leveling my warrior!  Since the Darkmoon Faire was in town this past weekend, I got to farming.

The chestpiece I wanted to use is most commonly known as the Saltstone Surcoat, which is BOE world drop with about a 0.1% drop rate.  There was one on my auction house for 4,000 gold.  I decided to try my luck with the same model drop out of BRD.  With 6 random bosses, all with random loot, farming a piece of gear from the Ring of Law is not any easy task.  It took me about 4 days of doing the 5 runs per hour each chance I got.  If anyone is looking for this, or another piece from here, my best advice is just to keep at it!  Perseverance pays off 😀

soulforge mog

Shoulders – Replica Soulforge Spaulders

Chest – Carapace of Anub’shiah

Hands – Defender’s Gauntlets

Waist – Chromite Girdle

Legs – Replica Soulforge Legplates

Feet – Windroc Greaves

Swords – Revenger


Here are some other variations I came up with for this set and some of the other Replica Soulforge pieces.

soulforge dark
soulforge light

Shoulders – Replica Soulforge Spaulders

Chest – Carapace of Anub’shiah

Hands – Gauntlets of Blurring Fingers

Waist – Saltstone Girdle

Legs – Replica Soulforge Legplates

Feet – Replica Soulforge Boots

soulforge chest
-- Draynee
Categories: Plate transmog set | Tags: , , , , | 7 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – Katsumii

I love doing Fly Draenei Friday, it’s one of my favorite things about this blog.  I especially love when my super fly readers send me their awesome mogs!!


This week’s reader mog is from Katsumii of Caelestrasz (US). Her violet dress is absolutely stunning, and coordinates beautifully with her cloak and shoulders.

Thanks for sharing Katsumii! 😀

As usual, here’s some fly gals I’ve spotted around Proudmoore recently!

I’ve spotted Qandisa before looking super fly, and here she is in another awesome look!  I love the way her sword and offhand shine.  wowhead Woo, finally a Draenei monk!  Hatsuyuki has combined some rogue tier 9 off-set pieces with some bad-ass fist weapons for a super fly look.
Amadita‘s mix of Lofty Legguards with the Glorious Set looks really great with her Tushui Pandaren Tabard. Salores accented her Robes of Insight with this new Mists belt model, a great choice for letting the dress stand out.
-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 6 Comments

Looking Fly with Euphy(ley)


Last week’s Laid Back Raid with JD and crew was a dragon killing party.  We started the night in Obsidium Sanctum, where I got to meet up with the super duper fly Euphyley of WoW Rare Spawns!  Her transmog is so awesome, and it goes fantastically with the Tabard of the Acheiver she is wearing.  Drainee also stepped out in her new look.  Since she recently turned 90 and is running a lot of heroics, I threw together a look that went with the dungeon set.  I was going for an outfit that I could mix and match without running to the mogger everytime I got an upgrade.  So shhhh, don’t tell that not all of my pieces are actually mogged!!

The great part about Euphyley’s mog is that she used some of the Scarlet Crusade pieces that used to drop out of Scarlet Monastery.  The Scarlet Belt is a BOE, so you may still be able to find one on your AH along with the Scarlet Chestpiece, but unfortunately, the bosses that dropped the Hands and Legs were replaced in the Mists’ revamp of the SM dungeons.


Shoulders – Harlan’s Shoulders

Chest – Ornate Breastplate

Gloves – Pillager’s Gloves

Waist – Bindburner Belt

Legs – Legguards of the Crimson Magus

Feet – Ornate Greaves


Head – Stylin’ Crimson Hat

Shoulders – Stormcaller’s Pauldrons

Chest – Stormcaller’s Hauberk

Hands – Gauntlets of Divinity

Waist – Scarlet Belt

Legs – Scarlet Leggings

Feet – Mercurial Greaves

I asked Euphyley about how to say her name, just so I could be sure it rhymed with ‘Fly’. I’ve always said it like Yoo-fee-lee, but just my rhyming luck, she pronounces it You-Fie-Lee! So glad that worked out 😛

Here’s another shot of Eupyley and Drainee, from our Ulduar LBR a few weeks ago!  Make sure and check out her blog for all the info you could ever want on rare spawn stuff 🙂
-- Draynee
Categories: Mail transmog set | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments

Jade Monk – Leather Transmog

Well, I was sooo excited to finally get to transmog Draenei into leather gear, I can’t believe I haven’t posted one yet!  I’ve been seeing a lot of monks mogging the Rogue Tier 2 recolor, and the Replica Darkmantle Armor.  I love the colors in these sets, so I though I’d post my on take on it 🙂  If you’re looking for more monk mogs, check out Lae’s Draenei Monk blog!

The belt I used is the quest reward for the level 30 monk quest on the Peak of Serenity.

Shoulders – Daggercap Spaulders

Chest – Trickster’s Vest

Hands – Trickster’s Handwraps

Waist – Biting Yellow Belt

Legs – Clefthoof Britches

Feet – Treads of the Icewalker


Another version with a coordinating staff.

Head – Windscale Cover

Shoulders – Daggercap Spaulders

Chest – Clefthoof Hidemantle

Shirt – Cerulean Filigreed Doublet 

Hands – Trickster’s Handwraps

Waist – Biting Yellow Belt

Legs – Clefthoof Britches

Feet – Treads of the Icewalker

Staff – Fleshling Simulation Staff


Ready for action!
-- Draynee
Categories: Leather transmog | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

Giving Thanks

Drayney had never heard of Thanksgiving before crash-landing into Azeroth.  She figured it was just some strange human holiday she didn’t need to concern herself with.  It wasn’t until a friendly commoner around Stormwind mentioned they were looking for help cooking just outside of the gates that she decided to see what it was about.  She couldn’t believe the tables of feasts set up, and that anyone, Horde or Alliance could come and share in the bounty.

She spotted a man standing on a bale of hay, looking very in-charge, so she asked him what was going on.  He told her more about the holiday, and asked since, being a mage, she specialized in traveling to the various capital cities, if she would help deliver Stormwind’s bounty to the other gatherings.  As Drayney traveled and gained the Spirit of Sharing, she began to realize how special this time was.  She had a lot to be thankful for, and a lot of special people to thank.  She called up her sister Draynee and tell her all about it.  They decided together to make a new family tradition and let all the fly people in their lives know how greatful they are!

The tables are so big!

I’ve lurked around the Blog Azeroth forums for a while now, and contemplated doing a Shared Topic post, but this is my first actual one.  I am really thankful for all my blog readers, and the fellow bloggers I’ve gotten know, so the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event is the perfect first shared topic!

I want to start by thanking Effy and Kamalia.  Before I started blogging, I didn’t know much about the WoW blogging community.  I’ve always read WoW Insider, but I didn’t really know about the individuals out there blogging.  I came across Effy’s old blog I think by searching for Draenei blog, or something similar on google.  I was pretty excited to find another Draenei enthusiast out there!  I’m not sure how I came across Kamalia’s blog, but her love of the also-hooven Tauren was wonderful to read about.  So, Effy was the first person to comment on my blog, and Kam was the first person to Blogroll me.  It was so wonderful and it really gave me confidence to move forward.

Next, a huge ‘thank you’ to Ironyca and Noelani of Wow Roleplay Gear.  Along with Elvine, they host the fantastic WoW Factor transmog shows.  After winning my second Proudmoore Wow Factor show, I wanted to email them and thank for their hard work in doing the shows.  I was really nervous about it just coming across as a ‘self-promotion’ letter, but they were sooo nice!  They really helped get my blog out there by putting it on their blogroll.  I even got to guest-judge one of the shows!

JD from Amateur Azerothian deserves a /cheer along with his thanks.  From putting on the Mogolympics to just generally being an awesome guy, I am very thankful to know him.  I have so much fun running Laid Back Raids with him and his crew.

Finally, thanks to all the other bloggers for just being awesome and creative, and adding giggles, inspiration, and knowledge to my WoW life!  Also, thanks again to my readers and fellow Draenei Enthusiasts, you guys rock!

Food Fight!  JD totally started it!


-- Draynee
Categories: Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Fly Draenei Friday – Satsuri


Satsuri in Sundered Armor and Titan-Forged Shoulders of Dominance, and Drainee

A few days ago I was running back and forth between the Leatherworking shop and the mailbox nearby, when a Draenei on a cloud serpent caught my eye.  I stopped to check her out, as she looked pretty fly at first glance, when I realized it was Satsuri!  We have chatted in blog comments before, but this was the first time I’d run into her in game.  We he a nice chance to talk, mainly about her super fly transmog!  I love the way she’s coordinated her mog with her Order of the Cloud Serpent Tabard.  She told me she’s planning on making mogs for all of the faction tabards, which sounds awesome and I hope I get to see them!!


More people are finally starting to mog again, so here are a few gals spotted around Proudmoore recently:

Moxyshock is also wearing the Titan-Forged Shoulders of Dominance but with the Ornate Mail set.  I’m loving these shoulders, it makes me want to level my Shaman up so I can mog them too:) Dalende looking fly in the Bloodscale set paired nicely with the Sparkbreath Girdle and invisiboots – Ancient Skeletal Boots. Her shield is The Fel Barrier.
Tengaaris did an awesome job coordinating pieces with the Enchanted Thorium Breastplate and Leggings.  Stormforged Shoulders, Ymirjar Lord’s Handguards, and Boots of Kingly Upheaveal really pull this look together. Batousi looks great in her fiery mail set. Crown of Flame, Rocket-Chief Pauldrons, Masterwork Breastplate, Dragonfire Gloves, Firearrow Belt, Grunt’s Legguards, and Scaled Draenic Boots.

-- Draynee
Categories: Fly Draenei Friday | 6 Comments

Hallow’s End Transmog Contest – Results!

Ugh… too much candy…

Last night, all the innkeepers of Azeroth stayed up late packing away their candy buckets, and emptying out the apple bobbing barrels.  Much like Hallow’s End, the Fly Draenei Hallow’s End Transmog Contest has come to an end too.  I wish I had more exciting news, but I had a whoping 3 entries!  I was looking forward to seeing some silly costumes using the masks, but oh well.  The three entries are super awesome and I really appreciate them for taking the time and sending them in!  Since all three entered in the “Miscellaneous” category, they will all be getting Eye of the Legion loots.  I was going to have 3 winners anyways, so why not?!  I want to give a special thanks to Kamalia, who offered to help judge but, well…. Thanks Lady 😀

And now, what everyone’s been waiting for – The Fly Draenei of Hallow’s End:

First up is the fabulous Vidyala with her mage Millya.  Millya is a super fly witch, complete with a Feline Familiar as a companion.  So cute!

Head – Skywitch Hat

Shoulders – Dreadful Gladiator’s Silk Amice

Chest – Robe of the Shadow Council

Hands – Enslaved Doomguard Soulgrips

Waist – Girdle of Endemic Anger

Staff – Rosethorn Staff



Next is the lovely Jaedia with a Hallow’s End Themed Transmog.

Head – The Hexxer’s Mask

Shoulders – Mantle of Cleansing Flames

Chest – Embersilk Tunic

Hands – Inferno Gloves

Waist – Sash of the Burning Heart

Legs – Plaguebringer’s Stained Pants


Finally, we have Unholiernu the Pirate Priest for Kirin Tor!  The weapon & off-hand choice make it a very Hallow’s End pirate look 🙂

Head – First Mate Hat
Shoulders – Aurora Mantle
Chest – Buccaneer’s Vest
Hands – Magefist Gloves
Waist – Captain Sanders’ Sash
Legs – Missionary’s Leggings
Feet – Buccaneer’s Boots
Main Hand – The Cruel Hand of Timmy
Off Hand – Eerie Stable Lantern



Thanks again for your entries, you guys rock!

-- Draynee
Categories: Contests, Holidays | 4 Comments

Red Cloth Mog – Twisted Visage

New expansions in WoW are really great.  New levels, new content to explore, new stories to hear and more!  My favorite thing about new expansions, though, is how powerful my characters are once they finish leveling.  I’m not one of those super-soloers like this rogue who soloed Patchwerk 25 at level 80.  The only raid I could solo at level 80 was Strathome (when it first came out you could technically take a raid in there, so that counts, right?).  So, when I hit 85 and got a little gear, I was quite excited to be able to spend time obliterating Karazhan and Molten Core etc. by myself.  Now that I’m 90, I’ve been pushing into more BC raids alone.  Thanks to this awesome video, I was able to do Tempest Keep the other night.  Yes, I know he did it at 85, but like I said…


What’s even better than all this anti-social behavior is stomping out old raids with a few close friends!  My horde-side guildies and I decided to give Ulduar 25 a shot the other night.  It started out as just 4 of us, and we were having a hell of a time trying to figure out Flame Leviathan Four Towers.  Luckily our other 2 guildies logged in as we were going to give it our last shot.  After one more wipe, we got him down and proceeded to merrilly frolic our way through the rest of the acheivements for the Ironbound Proto Drake.  We didn’t finish as it got late, but we made it all the way to Vezax.  Along the way, this awesome staff dropped.  The two druids and I all gave it our “ooh’s” and “aah’s”.  I felt a tiny bit bad that I won the roll, but I knew I was going to run out right away and make a mog for it 😀  My little belf mage has been running around in this mog, but as always, it looks much better on Drayney, lol.


naxx_shouldersWith Mantle of the Corrupted and Muddied Crimson Gloves

LiddeyLiddy with Mantle of Tirisfal and Fire Striders
-- Draynee
Categories: Cloth transmog | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

©2014 Pretty Fly for a Draenei. Design and Images by Drayney unless otherwise noted.