Patch 5.0.4 Thoughts

Here’s my first though on patch 5.0.4: YOU BROKE MOGIT!!!  I’m having a hard time with that one.  The super amazing Mogit authors have posted that an update in nearly ready, so I’m going to try and keep the panicking to a minimum.

Upon logging in, I wondered who turned on the disco lighting?!  The Draenei character screen was like this in beta, but I thought maybe it was a bug.  Guess it’s more of a feature…  I noticed a lot of weird shading in game.  Someone referred to it as ‘dynamic lighting’, yeah, gonna have to see if I can turn that off.  At least it compliments Draynee’s outfit here, but my other peeps, not so much.

An upside is the game definetly looked better that first login.  I don’t know if it was a few days of playing Guild Wars 2, or if they actually sharpened all the graphics.  Things just looked prettier.  Maybe it was excitement over the fact that Draynee can finally ride that pink proto-drake without having to do any more holiday acheivments!  Thank you account-bound mounts!

Hooray for coordinating mounts!

As far as the talent changes go, I think they’re pretty good.  The classes I play the most haven’t really changed.  Ret paladin-ing is a whole lot better since everything gives you holy power now.  The only bummer is I can’t decide which of these two talents to take.

Always fast, or sometimes even faster?

I used to have them both in Ret, so every time I settle on one, I miss the other!  I’ll just have to keep a stack of the dusts on me so I can switch them out.  I am enjoying all the empty action bar buttons I have now.  I used to have so many abilities on my bar, I could never find my bubbles.


The BEST part of the patch was the addition of AE looting, finally!  I ran into Kara and pulled as much as I could before I started loosing too much health.  It took me about 10 minutes as Prot to kill all the crap that was on me, but only one click to loot it!

In hunter news, Drainee retired her beloved Hellreaver.  It was a little bittersweet.  There are quite a few mog outfits I’ve been planning for her that I could never find a polearm to coordinate, so that’s an upside.  I’m not really sure I care for my bow on my back, though.  Lastly, thanks to a tip from the Godmother, I ran out and tamed this guy, sooo cool…

-- Draynee
Categories: Uncategorized | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Patch 5.0.4 Thoughts

  1. I miss MogIt, too! I’m hoping that the new version will be available very soon!

    Yeah, not sure what I think about the new lighting, either. I don’t know if the graphics everywhere got an upgrade, but the new Scarlet Monastery dungeons definitely got a graphics overhaul! Except for the burning graveyard, they are so pretty now!

    • The new SM’s are really pretty, and the mobs looks super sharp in their upgraded gear. The mobs in RFC, however, look a little out of place in their Cataclysmic Gladiator’s gear, lol.

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